React Native

Sentry's React Native SDK enables automatic reporting of errors and exceptions, and identifies performance issues in your application. The React Native SDK includes performance monitoring (our @sentry/tracing package) by default.


On this page, we get you up and running with Sentry's SDK.

Don't already have an account and Sentry project established? Head over to, then return to this page.

If you prefer to follow video instructions, see How to Install the Sentry React Native SDK in 60 Seconds.

Sentry captures data by using an SDK within your application’s runtime.

If you wish to install Sentry's React Native SDK v4, follow the steps here.

Run @sentry/wizard:

npx @sentry/wizard@latest -s -i reactNative

The wizard doesn't support React Native versions 0.68 and older. To use the wizard with older versions of React Native, you'll have to confirm in the wizard dialogue and manually patch the Xcode project later. Read more on the Manual Configuration page.

Sentry Wizard will patch your project accordingly, though you can set up manually if you prefer. You only need to patch the project once. Then you can add the patched files to your version control system. The following tasks will be performed by the Sentry Wizard:

  • Install the @sentry/react-native package.
  • Enable the Sentry React Native Gradle build step for Android to auto-upload generated source maps and debug symbols.
  • Wrap the Bundle React Native code and images Xcode project build phase script to upload generated source maps and collect bundled node modules.
  • Add Upload Debug Symbols to Sentry Xcode project build phase.
  • Run pod install.
  • Store build credentials in ios/ and android/
  • Configure Sentry for the supplied DSN in your App.tsx file.

If you're using Expo, read our docs to learn how to add Sentry to your Expo project. This SDK will work for both managed and bare projects.

The SDK needs access to certain information about the device and the application for its essential functionality. Some of the APIs required for this are considered privacy-relevant. Add the privacy manifest to your Xcode project to ensure your app is compliant with Apple's guidelines. Read the Apple Privacy Manifest guide for more info on how to add records required for the Sentry SDKs.

When you use Xcode, you can hook directly into the build process to upload debug symbols and source maps.

For Android, we hook into Gradle for the source map build process. When you run react-native link, the Gradle files are automatically updated. When you run ./gradlew assembleRelease or ./gradlew bundleRelease, source maps are automatically built and uploaded to Sentry.

If you have enabled Gradle's org.gradle.configureondemand feature, you'll need a clean build, or you'll need to disable this feature to upload the source map on every build.

To disable this feature, set org.gradle.configureondemand=false or remove it as its default value is disabled, do this in the file.

Configuration should happen as early as possible in your application's lifecycle.

To initialize the SDK, you need to call:

import * as Sentry from "@sentry/react-native";

  dsn: "",

  // Set tracesSampleRate to 1.0 to capture 100%
  // of transactions for performance monitoring.
  // We recommend adjusting this value in production
  tracesSampleRate: 1.0,

Once this is done, all unhandled exceptions will be automatically captured by Sentry. You can also perform the following optional steps:

Wrap your app with Sentry to automatically instrument it with touch event tracking and automatic performance monitoring:

export default Sentry.wrap(App);

Learn how to enable Sentry's performance monitoring in your SDK to help you track your application performance, measuring metrics like throughput and latency.

Due to an issue with React Native's dependencies, unhandled promise rejections might not be correctly caught by Sentry. If the rejection handling is not active, our SDK might issue a warning:

WARN: Unhandled promise rejections might not be caught by Sentry. Read about how to fix this on our troubleshooting docs.

Visit our troubleshooting section to read on how to make sure promise rejection handling is active.

Depending on how you've set up your project, the stack traces in your Sentry errors probably don't look like your actual code.

For information on source maps and how to upload them, head over to our Source Maps documentation.

This snippet includes an intentional error, so you can test that everything is working as soon as you set it up.

throw new Error("My first Sentry error!");

Or, try a native crash:


Learn more about manually capturing an error or message in our Usage documentation.

To view and resolve the recorded error, log into and open your project. Clicking on the error's title will open a page where you can see detailed information and mark it as resolved.

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